The electric transition of Groupe Bertrand’s vehicle fleet

Oct 2023
8min reading
Electric transition Groupe Bertrand's vehicle fleet
Our solutions

Take the challenge of switching to electric cars with Chargemap Business.

Fleet electrification has become a major pillar of the energy transition. Many companies are taking on this virtuous approach. Groupe Bertrand (excluding Burger King), a key player in the French hospitality and catering industry, has chosen to initiate its transition to electric vehicles with Chargemap Business. Fleet manager, Adrien Bosselut, sheds light on the Group’s electrification process.

1. What motivated Groupe Bertrand to move towards electric vehicles?

The social and environmental responsibility (SER) approach of Groupe Bertrand (excluding Burger King) began in 2019 with a gradual reduction in diesel vehicles in favour of hybrid and petrol vehicles. Adrien Bosselut explains: “After the COVID period, we opted for electric vehicles as part of a proactive CSR approach. The transition to electric vehicles is in line with the company’s history, and management was quick to follow suit.”

The renewal of the fleet in 2021 ignited Groupe Bertrand ‘s electric transition, which was conducted by project manager, Adrien Bosselut.

2. What were the major challenges in making the transition to an electric fleet?

Challenge transition electric fleet

Fleet electrification has raised its share of challenges, starting with identifying the electric vehicle models best suited to the Group’s needs. But there was another challenge that stood out for Adrien: “Finding the right partner to support us in this process was no mean feat”.

Indeed, we needed a solution that was compatible with the Group’s precise needs, including:

=> A charging card covering numerous public charging networks to replace the fuel card;

=> A home charging management and reimbursement functionality, considering the absence of on-site charging stations;

Support for employees in this transition.

3. How have you involved your employees in this electrification process?

The strategy


The Group ordered 80 vehicles at once. The main objective was to “electrify” those who live at home and could accommodate a chargepoint. Adrien explains: “The idea is not to force people to do so, but to encourage them by supporting them”.  A questionnaire was sent to an initial group of 20 employees. “The aim was to convince 8 of them. 10 agreed to switch to electric vehicles!”

Over the next 3 years, Groupe Bertrand plans to focus on the installation of charging stations for employees living in apartment blocks. Within 6 years, using an electric car will become more of an obligation.



Although some employees were initially reluctant, most of them have readily embraced the transition to electric vehicles. 

“The feedback from employees has been positive, they feel really supported. The Chargemap Business charging card is particularly appreciated for its reliability and the Chargemap application for its simplicity,” says Adrien.

The first electric vehicle of the fleet (Kia EV6) arrived in August 2022 and was adopted by an employee who was already convinced by electric vehicles. “He has been an ambassador for the others. During his trips, he let several colleagues try out the vehicle, converting a few in the process…”

4. What have you put in place to meet your roaming and home charging needs?

After ordering the electric vehicles, Adrien had 9 months to find partners and prepare the ground. He remembers: “I met the Chargemap Business teams at a Flotauto trade fair in 2022. I already knew Chargemap personally. As luck would have it, you were just announcing the arrival of the home charging management and reimbursement functionality!”

Chargemap Business therefore ticked all the boxes to support Groupe Bertrand’s fleet of electric vehicles. → The multi-network charging card, the Chargemap app to simplify the employees’ journeys and the home charging supervision and management solution.

5. The advantages of the Chargemap Business solution on a daily basis

Adrien Bosselut emphasises: “Chargemap Business is a facilitator. The fact that we only have one partner to manage all our problems is an enormous privilege! I’ve also been won over by the management interface and the attention paid to customer feedback. You can feel that the product is evolving, and in the right direction.”

Chargemap Route planner

For employees, the Chargemap Pass and the Chargemap route planner are also real assets, saving time and peace of mind on the road.

6. Does Groupe Bertrand have any future electrification plans?

Charging stations company

Until now, Groupe Bertrand has not had any on-site charging stations, because it has a car park in a co-owned building. A project to install 17 charging stations is now underway. “What with the presentation of the project, the numerous approval stages, and the legal deadlines, it’s turned out to be a very lengthy project. The installation work finally started in mid-September!” enthuses Adrien

The Group’s continual development looks very promising for the years ahead. “We still have 11 people to contact for orders and for the installation of home charging stations in 2024,” adds Adrien. “We’re aiming for a 100% retention rate and a good conversion from hybrid to electric vehicles during the next renewal stage in three years’ time.”

7. Would you recommend Chargemap Business to other professionals?

“Yes, and I have already recommended it to counterparts. The different functionalities greatly simplify the work of fleet managers who are engaging in the electric vehicle transition,” concludes Adrien.

Our warmest thanks to Adrien Bosselut for his testimonial! Groupe Bertrand’s approach shows that the transition to electric vehicles is possible, even in a sector as demanding as the catering industry. Chargemap Business is delighted to be helping the Group achieve its goals!