Grandjouan: an SME embracing electric mobility for a sustainable future

Founded in 1978, Grandjouan is a family-run SME specialising in responsible cleaning services. For several years, the company has been dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint, particularly by incorporating electric vehicles into its fleet. Here’s an overview of the motivations, challenges, and benefits of this transition towards electric mobility.
Why did Grandjouan opt for electric mobility?
As early as 2015, the company began electrifying its fleet to enhance employee comfort while reducing its environmental impact and operational costs. Regulations introduced in October 2023, requiring companies to electrify 10% of their fleet, further reinforced this initiative. For Grandjouan, this shift wasn’t merely about meeting legal requirements but about advancing a broader commitment to environmental responsibility, strengthened by earning the Lucie 26000 certification, which recognises organisations integrating sustainable development into their operations.
What were the challenges?
The initial cost of electric vehicles is off-putting, but this is offset by long-term savings. The main challenge lies in changing mindsets, which includes managing fears related to vehicle range. “We always hear the same concerns about range, but in actual fact, our vehicles meet the needs of our staff perfectly, with a range of about 280km,” reassures Stéphane Audureau, Operations Manager at Grandjouan.
Grandjouan therefore implemented support measures to reassure drivers, particularly for their first charging sessions. “I assisted employees during their first charging sessions, ensuring the proper functioning of the charging points near their homes,” emphasises Stéphane Audureau.
This educational approach, combined with a practical demonstration of the benefits of electric vehicles, quickly enabled employees to adapt to the new vehicles. “After a month, no one wanted to return to petrol or diesel,” confirms the Grandjouan team.
What are the benefits?
The adoption of electric vehicles has led to notable advantages. At a financial level, for instance, the company has reduced its costs by 50 to 60% in comparison to diesel, with charging costs at public charging points estimated at 35 cents per kilowatt-hour and 20 cents at home. Maintenance costs have also decreased, as electric motors require less upkeep.
For employees, comfort is a key element. “Electric vehicles also provide acoustic and physical comfort,” explains Frédéric Grandjouan, Co-Managing Director. The silence of the motors and the smoothness of the drive greatly improve the driving experience, especially for those who travel long distances on a daily basis.
The Future of Electrification at Grandjouan
Currently, 13% of Grandjouan’s fleet is electric. From now on, every new vehicle added to the fleet will be electric, in compliance with their commitment to the Lucie 26000 certification. The company also plans to install charging points connected to employees’ homes to further facilitate the charging of vehicles.
Why choose Chargemap Business?
The decision to select Chargemap Business for charging management came naturally after a thorough comparison with other options. The extensive network of charging points, personalised support, and ease of use made all the difference. Additionally, the fact that it is a French company appealed to Grandjouan, which values local service providers. “The interaction with the Chargemap sales representative was insightful and non-intrusive, which reinforced our decision,” emphasises Stéphane Audureau.
Grandjouan’s experience demonstrates that a successful transition to electric mobility is based not only on economic benefits but also on tailored support and a gradual approval by employees.