Converting your business fleet to electric power: why now is the right time to initiate the process!

Feb 2024
6min reading
Converting your business fleet to electric power
Our solutions

Take the challenge of switching to electric cars with Chargemap Business.

It has become vital for companies to convert their fleets to so-called ‘clean’ vehicles due to the rapid development of sustainable mobility. There are many reasons for making this transition, such as reducing CO2 emissions and optimising the costs related to managing and running vehicles, to name but a few. Fleet electrification is on everyone’s lips! Could this be the right time to make the switch?

2024, a new trajectory for the greening of fleets

New trajectory greening fleets

What is the situation concerning the legal quotas for the electrification of large business fleets in France? Have they been met? The current state of affairs is actually quite clear. According to a study carried out by Transport & Environnement (T&E), the vast majority (60%) of the large companies affected by the law are not complying. In view of this situation, and in order to change course, another bill is currently under consideration.

New obligations and penalties in force

Faced with these inconsistent results, MP Damien Adam recently submitted a new bill to the French National Assembly in an attempt to make the transition to electric power a success. Quotas could therefore be increased over the next few years. In the event of non-compliance, the companies concerned could be fined up to €5,000 per ultra-low emission vehicle they fail to include in their fleet. To be continued…

The situation elsewhere in Europe

Which of our European neighbours are the best at greening their vehicle fleets? The T&E study reveals a ranking of business EVs’ market share.
Two Nordic countries -Sweden and Finland- are the title-holders. They are followed by the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Germany is in 10th place, just ahead of France. This data provides an overview and a general trend on the electrification of company fleets in France and other European countries. It would of course be wise to analyse and use this data to implement relevant and appropriate measures in each country.

→ Find out more about the T&E study.

The advantages of converting your company fleet to electric power

Advantages converting company fleet electric

The profitability of electric cars

While there are several factors to consider when building a fleet, one of them in particular is of crucial importance: the total cost of ownership (TCO), which is basically the sum of all vehicle-related expenses. Not only does it cover the cash price or the lease payments, but also ancillary expenses such as the cost of energy, maintenance, insurance, administrative costs, tax, etc.
Electric cars can be profitable in the long term due to lower energy and maintenance costs. By using appropriate charging strategies, you can save money and enjoy the environmental benefits of an EV.

→ Report on the profitability of electric cars.

Workplace and home charging for employees

The workplace is ideal for charging, especially for employees who cannot charge at home.
Offering workplace charging enables to :

  • reinforce the employer-employee relationship. There’s no need to stop and charge before or after work on the way home. This is quite an advantage!
  • deliver a strong CSR impact: companies can reduce their environmental impact and show their commitment to more sustainable solutions.

You can also save money by allowing your employees to charge their vehicles at home. To do this, they simply need to connect the charging points to the Chargemap Business monitoring solution. The reimbursement process is managed transparently by Chargemap Business. It’s practical for employees and cost-effective for the employer!

Making a successful transition to electric cars

For instance, Groupe Bertrand (excluding Burger King), one of France’s leading hotel and catering companies has made its EV transition by choosing Chargemap Business for assistance. To draw inspiration for your own transition, find out more in the interview with fleet manager Adrien Bosselut, who sheds light on the Group’s electrification process.

Would you like to start your own electric mobility project, but have no idea where to start? Chargemap Business is here to help you out.