How and why should electric mobility be promoted in companies?

Mar 2024
7min reading
Electric mobility in companies
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Take the challenge of switching to electric cars with Chargemap Business.

The development of electric mobility in companies is vital in terms of sustainable development. In France and across Europe, companies have every interest in reconsidering the different means of transport used by their staff. How can we encourage sustainable mobility in the workplace? What are the advantages of electric mobility? Let’s find out.

6 ideas for promoting electric mobility in your company

There are a number of good practices that can be implemented to accelerate the deployment of electric mobility. Here are 6 ideas you can embrace in your company.

1. Electrify your car fleet

In order to promote electric mobility, the company can replace some of the combustion engine cars in its fleet with EVs. To help your staff get to grips with the vehicles and learn about eco-driving, training sessions should be organised. This will also ensure their safety and preserve the lifespan of the cars.

2. Install workplace charging points

Installing charging stations in company car parks encourages the use of electric vehicles and allows employees to charge during their working hours.

3. Install home charging points for your staff

Another way of encouraging electric mobility is to install home charging points for your staff. The company can fully finance the installation of a Wallbox and cover charging costs, to encourage its staff to purchase EVs. In terms of invoicing, all you need to do is set up the appropriate software required to record the kWh used by the charging point and then issue an expenses claim.

Good to know: To make it easier to manage, you can automate the reimbursement of the use of the home charging point. Using the Chargemap Business monitoring software, the company can generate a call for funds and automatically reimburse its employees.

4. Offer an EV charging card

Providing a charging card that gives your staff access to the vast network of charging stations across Europe could encourage them to use electric cars and would also facilitate charging on their journeys.

5. Install lockers for electric bicycles

Electric mobility is not only limited to cars. Promoting more environmentally-friendly commuting options, such as electric bicycles, for instance, is another solution. Installing bicycle lockers with built-in charging systems, which keep the bicycle safe while being charged, is the best way to make it easier for your staff to get around.

6. Promote more environmentally-friendly means of transport

Carpooling (ideally in an EV to play the game to the full!), using public transport or even walking to get to work are some of the initiatives that you can recommend to your staff. Why not set up company challenges or theme days/weeks to motivate your troops to play the game?

What are the advantages of electric mobility for companies?

Advantages electric mobility for companies

Savings at stake

For companies, the use of electric vehicles means lower travel costs. The price of a kWh of electricity is still much cheaper than the price of fuel. A kWh of electricity costs between €0.111 and €0.17 excluding VAT, or around €5.55 to €8.5 to charge a vehicle with a 50kW battery, such as a city car. In contrast, a full tank of petrol costs around €80.55 for an equivalent model, at €1.79 a litre*.

Even greater savings can be made over time by combining electric charging points with solar canopies. By inherently producing a large proportion of the energy required for charging, they can supply the charging points at a lower cost.

* Average price per litre in January 2024 according to INSEE

Business EVs: tax benefits

By adopting electric mobility solutions, companies can optimise their tax situation by avoiding tax on polluting vehicles. Combustion engine vehicles are subject to an ecological penalty, calculated on the basis of their greenhouse gas emissions. In France, this tax can amount to up to €60,000 a year.

A reduced carbon footprint

The use of business EVs helps to limit the organisation’s carbon footprint. It’s an opportunity for the organisation to meet its objectives and improve its brand image.

Better talent retention

Offering a charging service to employees gives them a significant advantage. In terms of employer branding, it’s an additional argument for retaining talent in the long run.

Electric mobility in companies: what kind of support is available?

Electric mobility aids for companies

While there are many advantages to switching to electric mobility, the investment can be off-putting for some companies. But, there is some support available to encourage the use of clean vehicles. We suggest you find out about existing local grants from your local council, department or region.

Would you like to start your own electric mobility project, but have no idea where to start? Chargemap Business is here to help you out.